Translation rates & notes

Translation rates and notes

My dictionaries

*The rate for urgent translations (<24h, weekends, holidays) increases by 50%.
*The rate is computed/page (2000 characters with spaces) and /actual page (standard forms).
*The rate/page increases by RON 4 in the case of translations that require editing.
*Translation rates do not vary by translation fields.
*All translated documents are kept in the office archive for future notarisation, under GDPR rules (if this is the case, only notary fees apply for the first 2 copies; the amount of RON 4 is charged for each of the following copies). 

*We only provide non-notarised/uncertified translations for Albanian, Catalan, Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian.


📎 German languages                            
English, 32; German, 41; Danish, 80; Dutch, 80; Flemish, 80; Norwegian, 80; Swedish, 80
📎 Romance languages                  
French, 32; Italian, 38; Spanish, 38; Catalan, 41; Portuguese, 48
📎 Greek languages                     
Greek, 66
📎 Slavic languages             
Russian, 48; Serbian, 66; Ukrainian, 66; Bulgarian, 80; Croatian, 80; Czech, 80; Macedonian, 80; Polish, 80; Slovak, 80; Slovenian, 110
📎 Finno-Ugric languages              
Hungarian, 48; Finnish, 80; Estonian, 110
📎 Altaic languages                                   
Turkish, 66

📎 Baltic languages          
Latvian, 80; Lithuanian, 80


📎 Indo-Iranian languages          
Hindi, 80; Persian, 80
📎 Thraco-Illyrian languages                 
Albanian, 80
📎 Japonic languages                   
Japanese, 80

📎 Chinese languages                     
Mandarin, 80
📎 Arabic languages
Arabic, 80
📎 NW Semitic languages
Hebrew, 110

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